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Well done!

You just picked up Article Bot which was a very wise decision on your part. 

But good content is also difficult to create and automate.

When you start using Article Bot, you will realize how easy it is to create a new post and get traffic. But it might take you 10-15 minutes to do that.

Now imagine if you have 10 sites – you will spend about2-4 hours a week creating content for them.

What if you could automate all this?

And do more?

Get more done with Pro License

 Unlocking full potential of Article Bot such as:

  • Use on unlimited websites you own.

  • Fully automate your content creation.

  • Publish unlimited long-form high-authority content.

  • Pre-schedule any new content from any channel!

  • Access to exclusive training content

  • Get 100% Handsfree Content Creation

  • Article Bot Pro

    Do More With Article Bot PRO.

    Get Ready, Because With Article Bot PRO You get:



      100% automated content




      Pre-schedule all videos from a channel to be published as posts

      Long Form Article

      Long-Form Content

      Merge multiple videos to build

      1 bigger post

      Unlimited cloud space

      Unlimited Usage

      Use Article Bot Pro on

      Unlimited websites you own

    Let me walk you through all the crucial upgrade benefits!

     Trust me – after you look at everything here, you’ll want to use Article Bot Pro on all your sites.

    The Scheduler

    100% hands-free automated content creation

    With Article Bot you can create elegant content instantly. But when you do this – you need to go in search and create content every time you want to post something.

    With this upgrade, we have built in an automated AI that goes in and builds elegant content for you instantly – even without your involvement.

    Imagine every post being made with YOUR call-to- action (to drive more leads or sales) without the need of you going in every couple days. With this upgrade you can truly set and forget the content posting job and we take care of the rest.

    Get Pro Now

    The Automator

    Pick *ANY* channel on YouTube and automatically convert all OLD & NEW content into new blog posts without manual input.

    Get Instant Authority Without Writing a Single Word!

    Higher Rankings, Consistent Content Awaits You.

    One of the best things about Article Bot is this feature. Listen, you have probably seen many channels on YouTube (and maybe your own) that put out some quality content in your niche.


    What if you could automatically convert all of it into a blog post?


    And then also social syndicate it using the features within Article Bot?


    With this Pro upgrade, you can FINALLY put out good content that is CONGRUENT to your readers' needs. And you can do so without logging into Article Bot or your website.


    This is as set-and-forget as it can get.Pro

    Get Pro Now

    Long-form Authority Content -

    aka. THE TRAY

    Combine multiple videos to build one bigger post. See, single video-to-post will give you content anywhere from 800-1200 wordswhich is already goodand highly relevant but what if you want to create the kind of content that goesViraland generates thousands of clicks and hundreds of shares?

    Get Pro Now

    Look, you've probably heard how readers attention span is very short these days since majority of the readers are mobile users and how you should keep your content small and all that fluff...

    But, according to a research done by Okdork on the top 10% of the most shared articles of all time - it turns out thatthe opposite is what is actually true.

    Buzzsumo chart
    Serp IQ chart

    As you can see the most shared articles are the ones between3000-10,000 words. So, if you are really trying to create a dent with your content, the PRO upgrade is for you. Not only will it allow you to create long-form content that will go viral, but it's also proven to rank higher on Google. 

    But that's not it though, you can also use the Tray to create the kind of content that ranks the highest on Google.

    I am sure you've noticed that whenever you search for anything on Google the highest ranking articles are of these kind

    Keywords results

    See the pattern?

    Google loves these list-like articlesso much that it rewards them with higher rankings.

    These are all the results from the first page of Google.

    Using the Tray Feature in Article Bot PRO you can merge reviews of different products and create a list-like article which I am sure Google will then reward with higher rankings :)

    Unlimited usage Article Bot


    Use Article Bot Pro on unlimited websites you own.

    No limits what so ever. 

    And with the features you have seen, Article Bot Pro will be working for you forever.

    Get Pro Now

    So, do you want to have Unlimited Traffic on automation mode by having Unlimited blog post every day?

    Get PRO today!

    With Article Bot on it's own you already have the potential to generate unlimited content at a push of a button. But I really wanted to go the extra-mile and offer you an upgrade which might change the way you manage your business and content creation on it's head.

    Article Bot PRO is 100% optional and only designed for the people who really want to up their content marketing game.

    I'll give you a once in a lifetime opportunity to upgrade to the PRO version for a very huge discount. Instead of paying $597/year, I'll let you in at a staggering price point of...

    Article Bot Pro

    $ 597/ Year

    Upgrade Now For Just $97/Year!

    ... and Get Access To Unlimited usage of Article Bot Pro

    Unlocking features of:

    • Unlimited usage on the websites you own

    • Unlimited Integrations: LinkedIn/Twitter/FB Pages + Groups

    • Internal Linking

    • Channel Scheduler Automation

    • Publish long form High-Authority Content

    • Syndicate content on 50+ social media profile

    Only $97 Buy Now!!

    No thanks - I don't want to automate my content creation with unlimited features unlock. I'm fine with Standard Article Bot License. 

    Today only, you can get your hands on Article Bot PRO at a limited time discount of$97/yr, instead of the $597/yr.

    When you purchase Article Bot PRO, we will signal our servers and your account will automatically be upgraded to the PRO version.

    With Article Bot PRO you are ready to take your Content creation & marketing to a whole new level. 

    You can completely automate the content creation process using the scheduler, you can create long-form content that goes viral, you can create list-like blog posts that rank higher on search engines, and on top of all that you can siphon content from a single channel for perpetuity. With 1 click. 

    Now I can't give you any further discounts or add more value then what I have already done here. But what I can do is make the decision making process easy for you by taking all the risk on my self

    Money back gurantee

    Article Bot Risk FREE

    I am so confident that you will love Article Bot PRO that for the next 14 days I am letting you take it on a test-drive and even if on the 13th Day, 23rd Hour & 59th Second you decide that Article Bot is not for you, just ask for a refund and I will give you 100% of your money back. No Strings attached.

    Get Pro Now

    Frequently Ask Question

  • 1) How many sites can I use Article Bot Pro on?

  • You can use Article Bot UNLIMITED on unlimited number of sites owned by you.

  • 2) Can I use Article Bot UNLIMITED for my clients?

  • No. Article Bot PRO only gives you rights to use it on sites that are owned by YOU.

    On the next page, you will see an agency offer, if you decide to upgrade to an agency, you will be able to use Article Bot for your clients.

  • 3) What if I need help with integrations?

  • We have a full documentation and video tutorials showing step by step on each function.

    From setting up to configuration to usage.

    If you get stuck anywhere, we have a support team all set and ready to help you out.

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